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Coral aims to deliver end-to-end solutions, informed by experts across climate and tech to ensure the carbon accounting and climate action needs of your business are streamlined and ready at the click of a button. Our mission is to put the power of your data back in your hands, offer real-time data insights and support informed decision making for environmental strategies across the board.

Dive into our comprehensive white paper, packed with expert analysis and actionable insights. Download it today to empower your strategic decisions with the latest industry trends.

Why It Matters

Stay Ahead of the Curve

In a rapidly changing market, staying informed is key to success. Our white paper reveals how emerging trends will shape your industry, offering practical tips to keep you ahead.

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Knowledge is power, and leading companies are already leveraging the insights to get ahead. Our White Paper aims to position you at the forefront of climate action, no matter your sector or industry. Download your copy to understand the strategies that are driving success in your field

What's inside

Our white paper offers exclusive content that can give you a distinct advantage; from understanding scope and sourcing for greenhouse gas emissions, informed by science and research, to taking credible action from informed roadmaps. Learn how to outperform competitors and lead with confidence in your market.

Coral, a UAE-based tech company, is revolutionizing carbon emissions management for businesses. Our AI-powered carbon accounting software simplifies the complex processes of emissions tracking, reducing the time required by up to 95% and minimizing the dependence on costly external consultants. Enhanced data collection and transparent reporting empower better climate action decisions. The platform also features one-click carbon offsetting with expert-curated credits offering complete traceability and a secure audit train via blockchain, ensuring peace of mind in climate disclosures. Additionally, our Carbon Offset API enables companies to seamlessly integrate real-time carbon offsetting into their e-commerce platforms across various industries, such as delivery, tourism, and utilities. 

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