Asked Questions

Who are Coral?

Coral is a UAE-based software company, with decades of combined experience across fintech and sustainability, and multiple successful ventures and projects. The Coral team came together with a shared vision of creating more equitable carbon credit markets through providing users with increased transparency and ease of verification.

What is Coral?

Coral is a technology platform dedicated to simplifying carbon management and reporting for businesses and consumers. By leveraging advanced AI and blockchain technology, Coral offers a transparent, efficient, and secure way to assess, reduce, and offset carbon footprints.

Who can benefit from using Coral?

Coral is designed for both enterprises and consumers. Businesses can use Coral's Emissions Management Solution (EMS) to accurately track, analyze, and manage their carbon emissions. Consumers can engage with Coral through various e-commerce platforms, offsetting the carbon impact of their purchases seamlessly at checkout.

How does Coral's technology work?

Coral integrates AI and blockchain to streamline the entire process of carbon management. Our platform automates data collection, calculates carbon footprints in real-time, and provides options for high-quality carbon offsets. By using blockchain, we ensure full transparency and traceability for all transactions, enhancing trust and reliability.

What makes Coral different from other carbon management platforms?

Unlike many competitors, Coral offers an all-in-one solution for carbon management that is both comprehensive and user-friendly. We combine advanced AI for accurate emissions tracking with blockchain technology to provide an auditable and transparent audit trail for carbon credits. Our modular platform allows users to select and use only the features they need, providing flexibility and customization.

How does Coral ensure the quality of carbon credits?

Coral collaborates with reputable carbon credit registries and auditors to provide high-quality, verified carbon credits. We use blockchain technology to tokenize credits, ensuring a one-to-one match between the digital token and the carbon credit. This prevents pooling of low-quality credits and ensures users know exactly what benefits each offset provides.

How can businesses use Coral's Emissions Management Solution (EMS)?

Coral's EMS is a comprehensive, end-to-end solution for enterprises looking to understand, reduce, and offset their carbon footprint. The EMS provides AI-assisted data collection, advanced analytics, customizable offset options, and automated reporting, all in one platform.

Can Coral calculate emissions for any type of business activity?

Yes, Coral is equipped to calculate emissions across a wide range of business activities. Our platform supports over 10,000 emissions factors compliant with GHG Protocol Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. We can also develop custom models based on specific business needs.

How do I integrate Coral's solutions into my business?

For businesses looking to integrate carbon offsetting into their customer experience, Coral offers a turnkey API solution. This E-commerce API can be easily embedded into your checkout process, enabling real-time carbon offsetting options for your customers.

Where does Coral source its carbon credits from?

Coral partners with recognized carbon credit registries like the International Carbon Registry (ICR) and other global entities to source high-quality credits. Our internal due-diligence process ensures that all credits are verified and meet the highest standards.

How can Coral help my company with regulatory reporting requirements?

Coral's platform provides comprehensive reporting features that align with global standards, making it easier for businesses to comply with regulatory requirements. Our transparent and auditable reports give companies peace of mind when disclosing their sustainability practices.

How do I get started with Coral?

Getting started with Coral is easy. For businesses, we offer a tailored onboarding process to help integrate our solutions with your existing systems. For consumers, simply look for our carbon offsetting options at checkout on participating e-commerce platforms.

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