November 22, 2023

COP28: A Climate Watershed Moment

The eyes of the world will be on Dubai in December 2023 as the city hosts COP28, the 28th annual UN climate change conference. As a startup focused on bringing transparency and trust to carbon markets, Coral is honoured to participate in this event and connect with like-minded leaders and organisations looking to usher in an equitable energy transition. 

The choice of Dubai and the UAE to host COP28 is significant. The UAE has rapidly established itself as a hub for sustainability and innovation. Major initiatives demonstrate real long-term vision and a focus on meaningful solutions. Dubai also offers world-class infrastructure and connectivity to seamlessly bring the world together.

Coral’s Story at COP28

During COP28, we aim to share Coral's mission of helping everyone take meaningful action against climate change. We want to create connections with individuals, companies, governments, NGOs, and individuals who think it is time to rethink - and redo - carbon credits. 

Our focus will be on productive dialogues and partnerships that can strengthen carbon markets, close loopholes, and enhance accountability. We don't claim to have all the answers, but strive to collaborate with those seeking practicable solutions.

The Road Ahead 

COP28 comes at a critical juncture, as the effects of climate change intensify worldwide despite commitments. Radical transparency around carbon is required to restore faith in pledges. Our solution aims to provide the required clarity and access to verifiable impact that contributes to an equitable energy transition, beyond just climate change alleviation.

We hope COP28 in Dubai sparks breakthrough progress and productive dialogue. The UAE has much to offer as a bridge between advanced and developing nations. With so many relevant and engaged leaders present, we are optimistic about the power of human ingenuity and cooperation to build a sustainable future. Coral looks forward to being part of a successful COP28.

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